Adrak Developers LLC is excited to announce a significant partnership with the Ministry of Housing & Urban Planning for the launch of Sultan Haitham City. This monumental project marks a new era in urban development and commun...
In a momentous occasion highlighting outstanding leadership and exceptional businesses, our Executive Director, Dr. Aadil Thomas Alexander, was honored with the prestigious Business Leader of the Year Award at the TAS Business Awa...
Aloft Hotel Muscat has achieved a significant milestone by being named the national winner in the Hotel Project of the Year category at the MEED Project Awards held in Dubai. The prestigious award was gracefully accepted by our Ex...
In a proactive move towards employee well-being, Al Adrak collaborated with Adlife Hospital for a Health Check-Up Campaign that swept through both the company's head office and site locations in Muscat. The campaign offered co...
We are thrilled to share the exciting news of the groundbreaking ceremony for Al Adrak's first major project in Dubai. The event marked a significant milestone as it initiated the construction of Ellington House 3 (EH3), a G +...
Awarded with Construction of Cheltenham International School. The project consist of developing an international class education facility comprising of 3 Classroom Building, an Admin Building, Multi-Level Sports building and th...